Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I'm da bomb.

I was talking to my friend today about anal and we decided I'd do it better than anyone because I know what feels best and how slow or fast to go. Guys just shouldn't do anal until they've been fucked. Lets make it a class. Anal 101. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013


It's a 10 sided polygon.

Does anyone know what "Bucky Balls" are?
They're small magnetic balls that are very expensive lol. Not that expensive, just more than you'd like.
Anyways, a guy on youtube made a decahedron and displayed it.
My friends and I joked how many balls it took to make that. Then I realized I really wanted to figure it out.
Boring and mathematical? Fuck yeah..
But after everyone's gone to sleep and you can't debate philosophy with anyone then what else is there?

A rough explanation:
  • Each side is 12 'balls' long 
  • There are 10 total faces to this shape
  • You need the area to figure out the volume.
I don't know if I'm even correct but after a few hours of looking up formulas and making pretty diagrams I came to the total of: 1200 balls. 

Isn't that weird? 10 faces and each side is 12 balls long. Coincidental. 
I'm sure there is another 10 somewhere in there which would make 10*10*12=1200.
That would be a very each calculation.
I didn't go that route. 

The End - The Beginning

No this isn't dead.
Is the idea dead?
No, it still is continuously wrapped around my head and I'll never forget it.
However, I repeat myself.
I need to stop posting the same old stuff and actually post interesting/enjoyable things.
Here's to a hiatus of my pain/suffering under the tyrant of Amphetamines and a new beginning of creation and wonder.
Thank you <3

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 15 - Really? It's been that long?? -_-

I honestly am not sure what to write.
School is almost over this term, I just have one more class tomorrow.
I don't actually go to the classs c: I just have to submit a final paper online.

Well.. Wish me luck :D

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 9 - 2:22AM Ready?

I have analyzed myself very carefully during this whole process.

I'm going on my third day (72 hours) of no sleep.

I am out of vyvanse though.

So what have I learned?
I feel a lot better physically when I'm using. --after 3 days? well that's not really good but it's besides the point.

I think I have bronchitis or some other illness with lots of congestion in my chest and it won't come out when I try to cough it up.
Vyvanse has really helped me get through that. I'm not fully healed, but I believe I got through the worst of it.
I work harder.
I'm much more social.
I'm happy.
I'm content.

And so the only real thing left to be determined is what happens now?

I've gone without vyvanse before and it was NEVER as bad as when I started this blog.
I feel I almost concentrated so much on this blog (in order to distract myself/keep progress) that I actually ended up focusing on nothing but my lack of meds.

I will have to do more research on what to do in order to keep going.
Yes, I'll be tired of course. But the forums just about everywhere online state a few days of sleep and I should be fine. This makes me feel very certain I psyched myself out from Day 1.

Perhaps I should watch some Chris Angel videos. He's all about mind over body.

I got this.

Of course... I'm so positive about it all because I've consumed around 600mg of vyvanse in the past 3 days and still feeling the high.

I may sound like a fool, HOWEVER my body is accustomed to it. Taking 200mg of vyvanse a day for a long time? That will surely impact you.
Taking large amounts (within reason) every now and then? I'm sure it's still unhealthy but it's not fatal, at least for me. I'm used to it.

When I was first prescribed vyvanse I used to get a lot of social anxiety because I loved to be social while on it. Then I would start feeling anxious.
'I hope they don't think I'm weird.'
'What if I'm not making any sense at all?'
Only a few thoughts I've had during those unfortunate times.

My point is that I've never felt like I've taken so many stimulants I would die, have a heart attack, etc.

I completely agree, I sound like an arrogant, stupid kid, idiot.
I'm not immortal.

This is just me looking at the facts. I guarantee you there is an amount that could kill anyone, that's obvious. I'm just not anywhere near that level due to my body's terrible, yet I suppose good?, ability to get such a high tolerance so quickly.

I have a bedroom to clean. It's dirty and I'd really REALLY love to accomplish something productive right now. c;

Goodnight everyone,
Perhaps I'll see you in dreamland tomorrow night?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 8 - Day 8 of What?

I guess I'm going to just keep counting up the days.
This is Day 8 of me keeping this blog.

Well I feel amazing.
But for bad reasons.
But they're good.
Yes -> High on Vyvanse
But -> Getting Homework Done
I Know -> I Shouldn't Need It
But -> At This Very Moment -> Today -> I Do.

Everyone can be dissapointed at me, be mad, sad, etc.
I'm sorry.
It's not that bad except that I slipped up.
But it's frickin' week-before/finals week.

I'm stressed, I've got shit to do.
I feel like I've always known this but I had forgotten at the same time--
I actually do have ADHD.

Yes I can see that I will crash from this in a few days and 'possibly' be right back to day 1.
But I'm legit weighing the pros/cons.
I'd say getting good grades at School is much more important.

Anyways, I love you guys,

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 6 - WOW

Im feeling fantastic. I suppose I messed up but wow :D
Syd told me when we made the rules getting high was okay some times just because she gets high on other things too. So she's not gonna be a hypocrite. I don't know if it really applies but I suppose as long as I don't do it always then I'm alright. Like don't become dependent. Idk haha so 50 mg of vyvanse
And 20 (or 25 idk) mg of adderal xr.
Work is perfect. My life is perfect. Yay.